We received feedback from 34 members and guests following the showing of “Caesar Must Die” on 3rd February.
Here’s how you rated the film:
- ‘Excellent’: 21 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 11 votes
- ‘Good’: 1 vote
- ‘Satisfactory’: 1 vote
- ‘Poor’: 0 votes
For the short film ‘Good Night’, there were 6 responses:
- ‘Excellent’: 0 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 1 vote
- ‘Good’: 2 votes
- ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes
- ‘Poor’: 1 vote
- + 2 comments submitted without a vote.
If you didn’t leave comments on the night or, having had time to reflect, you wish to say more about the film(s), we would welcome any further comments here.
‘Caesar Must Die’ was an amazing tour de force: must rate as one of the best films I’ve seen in recent years. Gripping and original, another wonderful interpretation for our times of a major Shakespeare play that must take its place with others such as Polanski’s ‘Macbeth’ and the Branaugh ‘Hamlet’, to name but two.
For me ‘Good Night’ as a ‘short film was really too long. It started well and seemed to be focussing on the sexualisation of young girls at a too early age and the pressures on them to ‘grow up’ too soon, but then lost its way, I felt, and became something else. It could even, possibly, be accused of sexual exploitation itself. An interesting piece of work, but one which lost its way.