There were 39 feedback response slips returned after the showing of this film. The breakdown from these slips were as follows: Rating:
- ‘Excellent’: 20 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 13 votes
- ‘Good’: 3 votes
- ‘Satisfactory’: 2 votes
- ‘Poor’: 1 votes
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Another brilliant observation of complex emotions around seperation and divorce. As with Farhadi’s previous film “A Separation” (shown by the club 2 seasons ago) , no one emerges from the film either entirely good or bad, but – just as in real life – everyone has their character flaws. Again, as in “A Separation” the film’s ending leaves the viewer contemplating what happens next, (in the earlier film the divorcees were left waiting whilst their daughter was with the Judge revealing who she would be living with, and the latter, the comatose wife reacts to Samir’s aftershave, albeit not in the way he was looking for, proving she wasn’t entirely brain-dead)
Outstanding performances in an intriguing film with its little twists. A likeable group of people but with complex lives. Why did the husband leave four years previously? He seemed a thoughtful caring person with good relations with his step children so why did he leave? I wasn’t sure if the ending was that clear cut? Did the comatose wife really press her husband’s hand or was it left ambiguous?
No, I don’t believe she did squeeze his hand at the end, however, she did shed a tear as he leaned over her (although not seen by him) indicating, at least to the audience that she was aware.