There were 17 feedback response slips returned after the showing of this film. The breakdown from these slips were as follows: Rating:
- ‘Excellent’: 5 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 5 votes
- ‘Good’: 2 votes
- ‘Satisfactory’: 1 votes
- ‘Poor’: 4 votes
To view the additional comments that people made about this film, please click here. As ever, we are always interested to here any additional comments people may have on this film.
Afraid I couldn’t get there to see film: will watch it on Blueray at home. Clearly one that ‘divided the audience’ – 10 loved it, 4 called it ‘poor’! Also a pity that so few response forms seem to have been returned. So maybe the responses we have are not even ‘representative’. Can’t wait…..