There were 26 feedback response slips returned after the showing of this film. The breakdown from these slips were as follows: Rating:
- ‘Excellent’: 17 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 7 votes
- ‘Good’: 1 vote
- ‘Satisfactory’: 1 vote
- ‘Poor’: 0 votes
Feedback comments for “The Selfish Giant”.
As ever, we are always interested to here any additional comments people may have on this film.
Probably one of the best films so far shown. Like the previous film a take on children coping in a hostile environment and like the previous a study of child resilience. But this film demonstrated they do not always survive or in tact. The acting was excellent and totally realistic. Again as with the previous film the viewer had the foreboding of tragedy. Not just the fatality but the all the lives that were so desperate. There was humour amongst the hard hitting scenes of deprivation. It also showed humanity even in such circumstances. Each shot earned its place and contributed to the storyline. Perhaps it should be compulsory viewing for all politicians as a story not of a broken society but rather of a broken politics and economic system.