There were 26 feedback response slips returned after the showing of this film. The breakdown from these slips were as follows: Rating:
- ‘Excellent’: 4 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 8 votes
- ‘Good’: 4 votes
- ‘Satisfactory’: 5 votes
- ‘Poor’: 3 votes
- +2 comments without a (recognised) grading
Feedback comments for “The Club”.
As ever, we are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film.
This was a last minute change to the scheduled programme.
The Cramphorn Theatre advised us that they had not received the disk for our intended screening of “The Daughter”. It then transpired that the distributors, Metrodome, had gone into liquidation. Whilst it may have been possible to obtain a DVD or BluRay, at short notice, from HMV we were uncertain how we would have stood with the licencing. Fortunately, the disk for The Club, which we had originally scheduled for 26th October had already been delivered to the Cramphorn, and it was decided to show this film instead. (Also, as the length of both films are similar, this had no adverse effect on our planned AGM for this night).
Once the licencing issue has been resolved (or another distributor found), we hope to screen The Daughter on 26th October, otherwise an alternative from our reserve list from last year’s selection committee meeting will be shown instead. Either way, the web site will be updated (and the change of programme announced on Facebook and Twitter) as soon as the position has been clarified.
We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused.