Your feedback on Poetry

We received feedback from 26 members and guests, following the screening of Poetry on 08 May.

Here’s how you rated the film:

  • ‘Excellent’: 12 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 9 votes
  • ‘Good’: 3 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 1 vote
  • Unrated – 1 comment

See the first reply for the comments that were made on the response slips.  If you didn’t leave comments on the night or, having had time to reflect, you wish to say more about the film, we would welcome your replies.

One thought on “Your feedback on Poetry

  1. ‘Excellent’: 12 votes
    => What a fabulous film. Utterly brilliant. Realistic, touching, inspiring tragic.
    =>Great comparison with the Canadian film on Alzheimer’s shown to us 3 years ago. Something of the oriental view compared to that of the Western World?
    => Extraordinary. Photography magnificent.
    => Simply superb.
    => Definitely a strong candidate for “the film of the year”.
    => Very powerful, although depressing.
    => Totally absorbing and superbly acted. It was fascinating how Mija’s developing poetic sensibility transformed and transcended the very mundane, realistic everyday settings.
    => It looked so real, it was hard to believe it [was] acted. It helped not to know the cast.
    => Some gripping images.
    => Brilliant film, raising so many different issues, cleverly linking throughout the film.
    => The best film of the season, on so many levels.
    => Shell shocked when it ended. Her pain + [?] confusion are very poignantly displayed. Too bad it was a small audience – those who chose not to come missed something remarkable. Brilliantly written and played – bitter savagery of life.

    ‘Very Good:
    => Long drawn out. But excellent filming & superb acting.
    => Beautiful but too long
    => Watching and listening to people – refreshing and fascinating.
    => I would have liked to know more about the girl & am glad she appeared at the end.
    => Beautifully filmed and profoundly moving, if overlong.
    => Very long on a Cramphorn seat, but worth it for a totally stunning performance. Such elegance in contrast to the arrogance of every male in the film.

    => Wonderful photography. Thought provoking
    => Bit long – interesting alien concept.
    => Great insight into human nature.

    => Very long – too long.

    => Beautiful scenery, but plot at times incomprehensible. Too long, but at times some redeeming moments.

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