Our Next Presentation: Hunt For The Wilderpeople
Here is a new, refreshing take on the road movie and coming-of-age tale. Based on Barry Crump’s novel – about a wayward boy who finds his place in the world after embarking on an adventure with a curmudgeonly guardian, the film has all of Waititi’s distinctive brand of humour. Visual gags and broad jokes come loose and fast: Julian Dennison is a real comic performer as the problem child, Ricky, while Sam Neil is admirable as the grumpy carer. (Read more…)
Our last presentation ‘The Student’
There were 22 Audience Reaction slips returned after the showing of this film the breakdown from these slips were as follows:
‘Excellent’: 4 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 5 votes
- ‘Good’: 9 votes
- ‘Satisfactory’: 4 votes
- ‘Poor’: 0 vote
If you want to add further comments on this film, you are welcome to do so by joining in on our “The Student” discussion forum.
Films for next season
Just over half of our members responded to the film selection list that was sent out last month, and we are extremely grateful for your input. The Selection committee will be meeting just before the next film to begin preparation for next season. The 16 films chosen by the committee will be published on the web pages shortly after (watch this space).
After the film selection has been agreed, we will also start offering membership for the next season. See the Membership page for details of how to join/rejoin.
Your opinion counts
As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.
CFC on Twitter and Facebook
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See what Chelmsford Film Club is showing this season on the 2017/18 season page,