News (18-May)

Our Next Presentation: El Sur


-2458Days -8Hours -50Minutes -48Seconds

Recently restored and re-released by the BFI, this is, like Erice’s debut feature, Spirit of the Beehive, one of the greatest Spanish films ever made, albeit that a story intended to be 3 hours long ended up only half of that: but all the more intriguing and just as perfect! A young girl finds clues to her family’s poisoned past, which lies in the mysterious ‘South’, a landscape, as with so many of the key protagonists, which lies always off-screen.  (Read more…) 

Our last presentation ‘Hunt For The Wilderpeople’

There were 24 Audience Reaction slips returned after the showing of this film the breakdown from these slips were as follows:

  • ‘Excellent’: 19 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 5 votes
  • ‘Good’: 0 vote
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 0 vote
  • ‘Poor’: 0 vote

Feedback comments.

If you want to add further comments on this film, you are welcome to do so by joining in on our “Hunt For The Wilderpeople” discussion forum.

Films for Next Season

On Tuesday 1st May, the Selection Committee met to decide on the 16 films for the 2018/19 season (subject to availability).  The Committee’s choices were:

Two reserves were also chosen (should any of the above not be available):

Full details of next season’s programme will appear here over the summer as details are confirmed.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the right.

See what Chelmsford Film Club is showing this season on the 2017/18 season page,