News – 25-Sept

Our Next Presentation:  COLD WAR


-1955Days -22Hours -4Minutes -18Seconds

Set against the backdrop of the 1950s Cold War, Pawlikowski’s love letter to his parents has been described as a near-perfect film, artfully crafted and flawlessly acted. Two people from differing backgrounds begin an almost impossible romance. For a black-and-white film with such an unsparing, unsentimental approach, it manages to feel lush, passionate and stark all at once. (Read more…)

Our Previous Presentation ‘SHOPLIFTERS’

Audience Feedback for “Shoplifters”

Audience Feedback for “Shoplifters”

There were 33 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were: ‘Excellent’: 19 votes ‘Very Good’: 14 votes ‘Good’: 0 votes ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes ‘Poor’: 0 votes To read all the comments, click on the following … Continue reading


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