Our Next Presentation: WOMAN AT WAR
Those of you who enjoyed Of Horses And Men from the 2015-16 season will not be disappointed by Erlingsson’s second feature. Halla is a bike-riding, guerrilla eco-warrior, striving to save the beautiful Icelandic countryside (and the whole world!) while leading the local choir and attempting to adopt a child… (more)
Our Previous Presentation ‘BURNING’
Film Discussion Night: 9 January, 2020
Following a suggestion made at the AGM preceding the screening of COLD WAR, we are reinstating the Film Discussion nights. The first of these will be held on Thursday 9th January, following the screening of the film Custody. This is a chance to reflect on the first 7 films shown, as well as making comments/suggestions on the Film Club itself.
Your opinion counts
As encourage you to complete the Response Slips following the showing of each film – feedback (both positive and negative) helps us to decide what types of films to show in future seasons. In addition, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.
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