Cléo From 5 to 7 (Tues 31st March)

-1778Days -18Hours -27Minutes -44Seconds

Our Next Presentation:  CLÉO FROM 5 TO 7


Following the death, last year of Agnès Varda, the Film Club are proud to present one of her greatest films. Recently rereleased, this pioneering classic and glory of the new wave depicts, in a kind of real time, two hours in the life of beautiful singer and glamorous woman-about-town Cleo as she awaits the results of her cancer tests and keeps an ear out for news of Edith Piaff’s recent illness. She befriends a young soldier, en route for Algeria, and possibly his own death. (Read more…)
Please note: The only trailer for this film on the web is the official French trailer, it does not have subtitles.

Our Previous Presentation ‘FOXTROT’

Audience Feedback for Foxtrot

Audience Feedback for Foxtrot

There were 18 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were: ‘Excellent’: 5 votes ‘Very Good’: 10 votes ‘Good’: 2 votes ‘Satisfactory’: 1 votes ‘Poor’: 0 votes To read all the comments, click on the following … Continue reading


2020/21 Season

On 18th March, the Committee will be meeting to select 16 films for next season. If not already returned, can members please ensure they have returned the selection list to Peter before 16 March (note: this is earlier than previously advised). Details can be obtained from the Next Season Selection List page.

Half-Season Membership

As we have reached the half way stage in the season, the price of membership for the remainder of the season has dropped to £32.50. See the Membership page for details.

Your opinion counts

May we encourage you to complete the Response Slips following the showing of each film – feedback (both positive and negative) helps us to decide what types of films to show in future seasons. In addition, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

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