Living (Monday 3rd April)

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Our Next Presentation: Living

THE CRAMPHORN THEATRE, CHELMSFORD – Monday 3rd April @ 8PM (Doors open 7:00)

A warm welcome back to the Chelmsford Film Club!!

Our first screening, “Living” stars Bill Nighy as Rodney Williams, a civil servant diagnosed with terminal cancer who, through a chance meeting with a woman in a cafe, finds hope and a new purpose to his life.

With a screenplay by Kazuo Ishiguro, via Kurosawa’s ‘Ikiru’ and Leo Tolstoy’s ‘The Death of Ivan Illych’, the film is set in the London of 1953.

Our Previous Presentation ‘FOXTROT’

2023 Season

We will be showing 5 films between 3rd April and 9th May. As yet, only the first film, Living, has been confirmed – we will be updating the Season page with the remaining films, as these are known.

For members of the incompleted 2019-20 season, your membership is still valid (and don’t worry if you’ve lost/mislaid your membership card; as long as your name is on our Membership List you’ll be allowed in!) New membership for the 2023 season (5 films) is available for £22 – please see our membership secretary, Malcolm, at the door. As always, guests are welcome, tickets will be £7.50

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

Unfortunately, we appear to have lost our Twitter account (having not posted anything since the last COVID-19 update in August 2020). Our facebok page (, thankfully, is still active. To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, please follow us there.