Following the successful ‘Short Season of 5 Films’ held in April and May of this year, the
Committee met recently and agreed to present a further season of 10 films, beginning in November and running through to April 2024. The dates for your diary will be:
Tuesday 14 November | |
Thursday 7 December | |
Wednesday 17 January | Tuesday 23 January |
Wednesday 14 February | Thursday 29 February |
Wednesday 13 March | Thursday 28 March |
Wednesday 3 April | Wednesday 17 April |
As soon as film titles can be matched to these dates, we will let you know. Many of you will
already be aware that, as for the short season earlier this year, the number of contemporary films available for hire and licensing by clubs like ours is now extremely limited as most are ‘streamed’. Sadly therefore, it is no longer practical to provide a list of films from which members can make a preferred choice, as we have done in the past. However, please do get in touch with me or with our Membership Secretary, Malcolm Reid, if you would like to recommend a title: it just might be available!
I’m sure you will also be aware that since 2019, when we last presented a Film Club programme, costs have risen considerably. Based on present membership numbers and the total costs of hiring our venue – The Studio in Chelmsford – and paying the licensing fees for the films, the Membership Fee for 2023-24 to cover these costs will be £70: the guest ticket will be £12. If you have been to any cinema recently, I feel sure you will see that the increased membership fee still represents extremely good value for money for our 10 films. Even the guest price compares favourably with The Studio’s charge for films (£13 to £16.50 plus £1.50 booking fee).
Given the Club’s present, modest, reserve fund, it is vital that current membership numbers be maintained and, hopefully, increased if the Club is to have a future. As a committee, we will do everything we can to reduce our costs – for example, in the way we publicise the programme.
I do hope you will be able to continue your membership and encourage as many new members as you can to join as we embark on our new season, our 34th in Chelmsford. I look forward to hearing from you and will be in touch with you again shortly.
Best wishes
Peter Bunyan – Chair of Committee