Plan 75 (Thursday 28 March)

-321Days -1Hours -58Minutes -31Seconds

Our Next Presentation: Plan 75

Chelmsford Theatre Studio, Fairfield Road – Thursday 28th March @ 8PM

In a dystopian near-future, the Japanese Government introduces Plan 75; a programme that invites senior citizens to be voluntarily euthanized to help alleviate pressures from an increasingly aged society.
An elderly woman whose means of survival are vanishing, a pragmatic Plan 75 salesman, and a Filipino labourer face choices of life and death.
The film makes a good case against the idea of euthanasia and is a lesson in humanism.

Our Previous Presentation: Love According To Dalva

Audience reaction to “Love According to Dalva”

Audience reaction to “Love According to Dalva”

There were 21 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The comments were: To read all the comments, click on the following link:Feedback for Love According To Dalva We are always interested to receive any additional comments people … Continue reading


Your opinion counts:

May we encourage you to complete the Response Slips following the showing of each film – feedback (both positive and negative) helps us to decide what types of films to show in future seasons. In addition, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.