Club News (26-July)

Our Next Presentation:  SHOPLIFTERS


-1986Days -19Hours -8Minutes -43Seconds

After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At first reluctant to shelter the girl, Osamu’s wife agrees to take care of her after learning of the hardships she faces. Although the family is poor, barely making enough money to survive through petty crime, they seem to live happily together until an unforeseen incident reveals hidden secrets, testing the bonds that unite them. (Read more…)

2019/20 Season programme

As the details of next season are becoming finalised, we are now able to announce which films are being shown on which dates. We open our 32nd Season on September 19, with Hirokazu Kore-eda’s 2019 Cannes Palme d’Or winner, “Shoplifters” (one of two Kore-eda films scheduled for the new season), and then continue with “Cold War”, the follow up to Pawel Pawlikowski’s Ida (which we showed a few seasons past) on Monday 7th October – this meeting will also serve as our AGM. Please visit the Programme page for details of the full schedule.

The printed programme is being finalised and will soon be posted to everyone who has already joined for next season. Anyone wishing to join for the coming season, please visit our Membership page for information.

Our Previous Presentation ‘SUMMER 1993’

Audience feedback for “Summer 1993”

Audience feedback for “Summer 1993”

There were 27 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were: ‘Excellent’: 18 votes ‘Very Good’: 6 votes ‘Good’: 2 votes ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes ‘Poor’: 1 vote To read all the comments, click on the following … Continue reading


Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the left.

Club News (8-June)

Our Next Presentation:  TO BE ANNOUNCED


-1986Days -19Hours -8Minutes -44Seconds

How Did It All Begin?

As the Club has just completed its 31st season, I thought current members, past members, guests and visitors to the website might be interested in how the club got started. And yes, it seems to be that we have been going for 31 seasons and not 32, as some of us thought!

Trawling through the archives, I discovered programmes for the first four seasons. Sadly, the year for each season was not printed on the programme, but the dates allow the years to be determined – thank goodness for the Internet!

We began on Tuesday October 4 and ended on Thursday March 6 of the following year, showing ten films. So it can be calculated that the first season was 1988-89. And the ten films? We began with Woody Allen’s Radio Days and continued with Gabriel Axel’s Babette’s Feast, Carl Shultz’s Travelling North, Bertrand Tavernier’s ‘Round Midnight, Philip Kaufman’s The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Stephen Frears’s Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, David Lynch’s Blue Velvet, Eric Rhomer’s Four Adventures of Reinette & Mirabelle, John Huston’s The Dead and, finally, Joel Coen’s Raising Arizona. What a programme – we clearly started as we meant to carry on! And the subscription? £13 (unwaged £10), guests got in for £2.50. For the second season we screened 12 films and put the sub up to £16 but managed to increase the films to 14 for third season without an increase. However, by the fourth season we showed 14 films again but had to increase the sub to £18. Guests paid £3. The luxury of hiring the Cramphorn Studio came at a price! But we had tested the market and in four years, as the membership started to pick up, became economically viable.

And who were the members? The late and much missed Jill Dimmock  had  heard that Basildon Film Society had been forced to close down and so she made contact with some of us ex-Basildon members in the hope that we could start a new ‘society’ in Chelmsford, aimed mostly at students attending Anglia College. Jill, with myself, Martin Wakelin and Lawrence Islip met in her college office and planned the first programme. But on that evening in October 1988 when we screened Radio Days (Woody Allen became a continuing feature of many future programmes!) there was not a student in sight! And so it continued. But we did tap into a very adult audience from Chelmsford and its environs who clearly wanted to see the best in international, independent cinema. And it was decided from the outset to drop the ‘Society’ and call ourselves a ‘Club’, very much making us ‘of the 80s’.

Within the first ten years, membership had peaked at over 200 and even ten years ago was around 180. In recent years it is clear that there are other ways in which cinema can be enjoyed; witness those huge T.V. screens and ‘Netflix’ streaming, etc., which may account for why membership has levelled off at just over 100. We have many loyal members who’ve been with us for all of the 30 years, and for that we are grateful. But we very much would like to reach out to younger people, maybe some who are getting frustrated with watching movies on ‘devices’.

Personally, I believe there is no substitute to ‘getting out’ and experiencing cinema in all its glory on the big screen with surround sound, in the company of like-minded folk, and with no adverts, trailers or three-course meals being consumed by the person next to you. Admittedly, we can’t offer an arm-chair or couch to sit in!

Here’s to the 32nd season of Chelmsford Film Club!

Peter Bunyan (CFC Chair)

Our Previous Presentation ‘SUMMER 1993’

Audience feedback for “Summer 1993”

Audience feedback for “Summer 1993”

There were 27 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were: ‘Excellent’: 18 votes ‘Very Good’: 6 votes ‘Good’: 2 votes ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes ‘Poor’: 1 vote To read all the comments, click on the following … Continue reading


2019-20 Season

We have selected the 16 films for next season (starting on Thursday, 19th September) and have agreed the 16 dates for screening, with the Cramphorn. We now have to agree which films are to be shown on which dates.

Over the summer, we will be finalising the details for next season; booking the films with the Distributors and preparing the Season’s Programme (which will be sent out to everyone who has renewed memberships as soon as available). The new Programme page here, will be updated with the latest information as I get it.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the left.

Audience feedback for “Summer 1993”

There were 27 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were:

  • ‘Excellent’: 18 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 6 votes
  • ‘Good’: 2 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 1 vote

To read all the comments, click on the following link:
Audience feedback for “Summer 1993’

We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions to this forum.

If you did not leave comments after the screening, but still wish to do so, you can leave them in the “Leave a Reply” box.