Club News (28-May)

Our Next Presentation:  SUMMER 1993


-2091Days -22Hours -31Minutes -35Seconds

Following the death of her parents, six-year-old Frida leaves Barcelona and her grandparents for the countryside where she will now live with her uncle and aunt and their daughter Anna.  Exploring the unfamiliar rural world, she gradually gets to know her new ‘parents’, while still burdened by the trauma of her loss.  Establishing an evocative sense of time and place, this is a beautifully crafted film, winner of many awards.  (Read more…) 

Our Previous Presentation ‘JEUNE FEMME’

Audience feedback for “Jeune Femme”

Audience feedback for “Jeune Femme”

There were 30 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were: ‘Excellent’: 7 votes ‘Very Good’: 13 votes ‘Good’: 6 votes ‘Satisfactory’: 2 votes ‘Poor’: 2 vote To read all the comments, click on the following … Continue reading


Next Seasons Films

The Selection Committee met on 28-May and chose the following films for next season, which starts on Thursday 19th September.

In addition, three films were selected as reserves, should any of the above be unavailable – “8th Grade”, “High Life”, “Tehran Taboo”

Grateful thanks to all Members who returned their Selections for next seasons films.

Next Season Membership

The Committee also agreed that there should be no increase to the membership for next season, which will remain at £65 for all 16 films. Similarly, guest tickets remain at £7.50.

We will be taking memberships for next season at our final film, Summer 1993, on Tuesday 4th June. During the summer, we are hoping to set up a PayPal account, allowing memberships to be renewed on-line, from this website.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the left.

Audience feedback for “Jeune Femme”

There were 30 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were:

  • ‘Excellent’: 7 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 13 votes
  • ‘Good’: 6 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 2 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 2 vote

To read all the comments, click on the following link:
Audience feedback for “Jeune Femme’

We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions to this forum.

If you did not leave comments after the screening, but still wish to do so, you can leave them in the “Leave a Reply” box.

Club News (13-May)

Our Next Presentation:  JEUNE FEMME

-2105Days -22Hours -31Minutes -36Seconds

Laetitia Dosch explodes on to, and is rarely off, the screen as Paula – a chaotic, impulsive thirty-something Parisienne – in this sensational directorial debut.  Naturally unable to do anything but live in the moment, we watch Paula try her best to reclaim a measure of stability and independence, making new friends and reassessing figures from her past.  An uplifting and life-enhancing movie. (Full details…)

Our Previous Presentation ‘PHANTOM THREAD’

Audience feedback for “Phantom Thread”

Audience feedback for “Phantom Thread”

There were 19 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were: ‘Excellent’: 8 votes ‘Very Good’: 5 votes ‘Good’: 4 votes ‘Satisfactory’: 0 votes ‘Poor’: 1 vote + 1 comment left without an indication of a … Continue reading


Next Seasons Films

Grateful thanks to all Members who returned their Selections for next seasons films. The Selection Committee will be meeting in the coming weeks to begin creating next season’s programme. This page will be updated shortly afterwards with a list of the films selected.

Half-Season Membership

As we have reached the half way stage in the season, the price of membership for the remainder of the season has dropped to £32.50.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the left.

See what Chelmsford Film Club is showing this season on the 2018/19 season page.