News (29 Sept)

Our Next Presentation: Lady Bird


-2276Days -10Hours -37Minutes -8Seconds

All the ingredients of a traditional American teen coming-of-age film are here, a la John Hughes (Pretty In Pink, 1986), but the young Gerwig looks past the surface to the depths of her characters and explores the inner lives of girls and women, particularly the relationship between mother and daughter.  Oscar nominated, this is a joyous, uplifting narrative about a teenager on the cusp of change.  (Read more…) 


Before the screening of Lady Bird, we will be holding a brief AGM, including the formal Election of Officers.  The position of Vice Chairman is currently vacant, if anyone is interested in assuming this role.  Additionally, we have a few vacancies on the Selection Committee – this is not an onerous undertaking, most discussions are via email and we meet once or twice each year to select the films for the following season and discuss the running of the club.

The Agenda for the AGM can be downloaded here:

Our last presentation ‘Happy End’

There were 27 Audience Reaction slips returned after the showing of this film the breakdown from these slips were as follows:

  • ‘Excellent’: 2 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 13 votes
  • ‘Good’: 5 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 2 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 2 votes
  • + 2 comments (1 via twitter) without a score

Feedback comments.

If you want to add further comments on this film, you are welcome to do so by joining in on our “Happy End” discussion forum.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the right.

See what Chelmsford Film Club is showing this season on the 2017/18 season page,

Audience reactions to Happy End

There were 27 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were:

  • ‘Excellent’: 2 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 13 votes
  • ‘Good’: 5 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 3 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 2 votes
  • + 2 comments (1 via twitter) with no grading

To read all the comments, click on the following link:
Audience feedback for ‘Happy End’

We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions to this forum.

If you did not leave comments after the screening, but still wish to do so, you can leave them in the “Leave a Reply” box.

Club News (10-Sept)

Our Next Presentation: Happy End


-2289Days -10Hours -37Minutes -8Seconds

A satirical nightmare of haute-bourgeois European prosperity. Almost all of Haneke’s classic themes are rehearsed: CFC screened Amour to great acclaim. Although a middle-class family living in Calais deal with a series of setbacks, they pay little attention to the grim conditions in the refugee camps within a few miles of their home  (read more…)

The new 2018/19 season

Membership for our 41st season (starting on Tuesday, 25th September) is now available from Malcolm, our Membership Secretary, by downloading and completing the Membership form found on our Membership Page.  Return the completed form, along with a cheque for £65, to him either by post or at the door at any one of our films.

The programme for the season is,

Chelmsford’s best kept secret!

To help publicise the club, and increase awareness around Chelmsford, this season details of each film will be posted on the following websites:

Any other suggestions for ways to promote the club would be gratefully received.

Our last presentation ‘The Salesman’

There were 18 Audience Reaction slips returned after the showing of this film the breakdown from these slips were as follows:

  • ‘Excellent’: 9 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 6 votes
  • ‘Good’: 2 votes
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 1 vote
  • ‘Poor’: 0 vote

Feedback comments.

If you want to add further comments on this film, you are welcome to do so by joining in on our “The Salesman” discussion forum.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the right.