Audience reaction to ‘Personal Shopper’

There were 23 reaction slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were:

  • ‘Excellent’: 2 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 3 votes
  • ‘Good’: 13 vote
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 3 vote
  • ‘Poor’: 2 vote

To read all the comments, click on the following link:
Audience feedback for ‘Personal Shopper’

We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions to this forum.

If you did not leave comments after the screening, but still wish to do so, you can leave them in the “Leave a Reply” box.

Club news (16-March)

Our Next Presentation: Olivier Assayas’s Personal Shopper


-2537Days -8Hours -2Minutes -51Seconds

A young American in Paris works as a personal shopper for a celebrity. She seems to have the ability to communicate with spirits, like that of her recently deceased brother. Soon, she starts to receive ambiguous messages from an unknown source. Kristen Stewart brings an outstanding performance, unforced and unaffected, full of urgency and terror – a Hitchcockian Poltergeist meets Single White Female, in this intriguing, stylish film.  (Read more…) 

You may like to know that Olivier Assayas’s previous film, Clouds of Sils Maria (also featuring Kristen Stewart, this time supporting Juliet Binoche) is available on the BBC iPlayer until 27 March.

Our last presentation ‘Toni Erdmann’

There were 22 response slips returned after the showing of this film the breakdown from these slips were as follows:

  • ‘Excellent’: 15 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 3 votes
  • ‘Good’: 0 vote
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 2 votes
  • ‘Poor’: 1 vote
  • + 1 Comment without a grade

Feedback comments for “Toni Erdmann”.

If you want to add further comments on this film, you are welcome to do so by joining in on our “Toni Erdmann” discussion forum.

Half Season Membership available

As we have now reached the half way stage of the season, Membership for the remainder of our films drops to £30.  This allows you to attend all remaining 8 films at the Cramphorn Theatre, at no extra cost.  You can also invite guests for £6 per screening.

See the Membership page for details of how to join.

Your opinion counts

As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

CFC on Twitter and Facebook

To receive regular, automatic notification of our films, why not follow us on either Twitter or Facebook.  Both can be accessed via the side panel on the right.

See what Chelmsford Film Club is showing this season on the 2017/18 season page,

Audience feedback for ‘Toni Erdmann’

There were 22 slips returned following the screening of this film.  The results were:

  • ‘Excellent’: 15 votes
  • ‘Very Good’: 3 votes
  • ‘Good’: 0 vote
  • ‘Satisfactory’: 2 vote
  • ‘Poor’: 1 vote
  • + 1 comment with no grade indicated

To read all the comments, click on the following link:
Audience feedback for ‘Toni Erdmann’

We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions to this forum.

If you did not leave comments after the screening, but still wish to do so, you can leave them in the “Leave a Reply” box.