Like Father, Like Son and Our Little Sister were possibly two of CFC’s most popular screenings over the last two seasons. Here is Kore-eda’s latest offering. Ryota is a novelist turned private detective, claiming that his spying on cheating couples is research for a new book, but instead his earnings fuel his addiction that disrupted his family life. A powerful typhoon is forging a path towards the city. (Read more…)
There were 31 response slips returned after the showing of this film the breakdown from these slips were as follows:
- ‘Excellent’: 4 votes
- ‘Very Good’: 8 votes
- ‘Good’: 8 votes
- ‘Satisfactory’: 3 votes
- ‘Poor’: 2 votes
Feedback comments for “Certain Women”.
If you want to add further comments on this film, you are welcome to do so by joining in on our “Certain Women” discussion forum.
Membership for the 2017/18 season
Membership for our 2017/18 season will remain at £60. This allows you to attend all 16 films at the Cramphorn Theatre, at no extra cost. You can also invite guests for £6 per screening.
See the Membership page for details of how to join.
Your opinion counts
As well as filling in the Response Slips following the showing of each film, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.
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See what Chelmsford Film Club is showing this season on the 2017/18 season page,