Our Next Presentation: Io Capitano (Wednesday 26 March)

-1Days 00Hours -18Minutes -27Seconds

Chelmsford Theatre Studio, Fairfield Road @ 8PM (Doors open 7:15)

A Homeric fairy tale that tells the adventurous journey of two young boys, Seydou and Moussa, who leave Dakar to reach Europe. Inspired by actual stories of people’s African routes to Europe, exposing the greed, trauma and corruption driving today’s trade in would-be immigrants

“This is a film that, for all its brutal horrors, keeps a kernel of hope and faith in the inherent decency of humankind (or some of it at least)Wendy Ide: Observer

Director: Matteo Garrone

Further details…

Our Last Presentation:

Audience reaction to “The Commandant’s Shadow”

Audience reaction to “The Commandant’s Shadow”

17 people responded. The breakdown and comments were: To download the comments, click on the following link:Feedback to The Commandant’s Shadow We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions … Continue reading


May we encourage you to complete the Response Slips following the showing of each film – feedback (both positive and negative) helps us to decide what types of films to show in future seasons. In addition, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

Our Next Presentation: The Commandant’s Shadow (Wednesday 12 March)

-15Days 00Hours -18Minutes -27Seconds

Chelmsford Theatre Studio, Fairfield Road @ 8PM (Doors open 7:15)

Here is the documentary companion piece to our previous presentation The Zone Of Interest, in which the children of the Auschwitz camp commanders reflect on their experience of life after the Holocaust.

Note: Members of the audience are invited to remain after the film for a discussion of both films and the season so far – bar will be open briefly.

Director: Daniela Volker

Further details…

Our previous presentation:

Audience reaction to “Zone of Interest”

Audience reaction to “Zone of Interest”

14 people responded. The breakdown and comments were: To download the comments, click on the following link:Feedback to Zone Of Interest We are always interested to receive any additional comments people may have on this film and welcome all contributions … Continue reading


May we encourage you to complete the Response Slips following the showing of each film – feedback (both positive and negative) helps us to decide what types of films to show in future seasons. In addition, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

Our Next Presentation: Zone Of Interest (Thursday 27 February)

-28Days 00Hours -18Minutes -28Seconds

Chelmsford Theatre Studio, Fairfield Road @ 8PM (Doors open 7:15)

The commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, and his wife Hedwig, strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden next to the camp – it is hard to imagine that just a hair’s breadth away from the peaceful and idyllic Höss household, the unimaginable horrors of the Final Solution are unfolding in full swing.  When evil becomes banal and apathy requires no effort, what separates man from beast?
[Nick Riganas – IMDB]

Director: Jonathan Glazer

Further details…

Our last presentation:

Reaction to “Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry’

Reaction to “Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry’

Apologies for not bringing along the reaction slips for the last film. The comments made by several people as they were leaving the theatre were on the positive side, with several commending the lead actress’s performance and a few saying … Continue reading


May we encourage you to complete the Response Slips following the showing of each film – feedback (both positive and negative) helps us to decide what types of films to show in future seasons. In addition, you can leave comments for any of the films we have shown via the Discussion page.

Discussion Night:

We will be holding a brief meeting on Wednesday 12 March following the screening of the second of our Holocaust movies, The Commandant’s Shadow. This will be held in the Cafeteria area of the Studio Theatre. The Cafeteria will remain open, briefly, before we begin.