
Chelmsford Film Club is a subscription society with members paying an annual fee, which entitles them to see all the films in the season at no extra cost.

Season Membership for 2024/25
Anyone wishing to join as a member for next season, membership will be £75 for all ten films. *** As we have reached the half-way stage of the current season, there is now a 50% discount for any new members wishing to join ***

Guests are always welcome (see below) – Guest tickets for this season will be £12.50

How to join:

The preferred method of payment is by Credit Transfer in favour of:
Chelmsford Film Club
Sort Code: 08-90-04
Account No: 50669365
Please include your name as the Payment Reference to allow identification. Alternatively, payment may be made by cheque made out to Chelmsford Film Club.

Just download and complete the 2023/24 Membership form and send it (along with a stamped addressed envelope, so we can return your membership card) to:

Malcolm Reid (Membership Secretary)
Chelmsford Film Club
c/o Newhouse
Woodhill Road

If not paying by Credit Transfer, please enclose a cheque for £75, payable to Chelmsford Film Club.

Alternatively, you can pick up and complete the Membership Form on the door at the Chelmsford Studio (formerly the Cramphorn Theatre) on the nights that we screen films.

If you have any queries, please contact us:


A limited number of guest tickets are available, on the door, prior to the screening of each film. Tickets cost £12.50 and are sold on a first-come, first-served basis on the night.